Our Family
We have two children at home. Delon is 13 and Ethan (E) is 10. Both boys are very active in sports. Delon plays Football and Track and E is in Soccer and Wrestling. Both boys are also very musical. They sing, Delon plays the trombone and E would like to start playing the clarinet. Delon and E LOVE being outside, exploring and having family adventures, as well as trying their hand at cooking and baking. E really gets into gardening, and Delon really gets into outdoor landscaping projects. We also have 3 fur pets. Angel, Brutus and Roxy.
We also have three fish: Goldie, Marty, and Kirby. The boys can’t wait to share all their interests and pull them around in a sled in the winter. They have been asking for a brother or sister for a long time and are excited to share their lives with him or her.
Our family is a rarity in today’s world. Our kids come to us to talk for advice, to give hugs and I Love You’s in front of their friends and at school. They are loved beyond measure and they know that we are here no matter what.
Our Faith
We are a very active family within our church. We pray daily for all Birth Parent(s), ourselves and other adoptive families in waiting. We pray for peace, strength, faith, love, comfort, understanding, healing, courage, laughter, joy and guidance.